1950s Golden Horseshoe Pepsi-Cola Tent Card Menu and Betty Taylor Business Card - ID: jan23287

1950s Golden Horseshoe Pepsi-Cola Tent Card Menu and Betty Taylor Business Card - ID: jan23287 Disneyana



Image Size: 
3.25"x5", 2.25"x3.5"
Price: $200.00
SKU: jan23287

An original Golden Horseshoe Pepsi-Cola tent card menu and Betty Taylor business card from the 1950's. The Golden Horseshoe menu provided guests with dining options and promoted the rare Pepsi-Cola sponsorship. Betty Taylor performed at the Golden Horseshoe as "Sluefoot Sue" for 30 years and holds the Guinness World Record for "greatest number of performances of any theatrical presentation." The menu measures 3.25"x5" and the business card 2.25"x3.5." Both pieces are in very good condition with a minor stain on one side of the menu and handling wear along it's spine.

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